Not only am I unwilling but I am in fact unable, he said with arrogance, arms crossed after the final word. And how should this make you feel? You’re wondering how you feel and how you should feel and the good news is I’ve done both for you, I’ve both felt and wondered and I can report to you how good and assured you’re feeling right now, no need to wonder and what a relief it is to feel good. The audience poll has closed and it turns out, we were right, the book was too challenging and needed some updates for modern audiences; what a delight that the poll was right and I can tell you everything that happened in the book. Most interpretations were wrong and I went a little deeper into the text and read some of the author’s personal diaries and, yes, it turns out even the author’s interpretation was lacking. No, you already know, I haven’t read the book and I never will, you know I don’t read any of the books that I review and that’s what makes the interpretations all the more compelling and important. The background behind the man appeared to move with great speed and he stood in front of a space station suspended in black, groundless. A great wash and you’re clean as a whistle. A book ends but talking never stops, it’s obvious that the interpretation matters more than the text and you lovely people already know that! How nice to be told what you already know, how nice to feel good and no questions, no questions! There is nothing passive, the man said, nothing passive ever. Little hands are working all the time even when you’re asleep and even when you never read anything ever there are little hands with small gifts just for you and they never stop moving. Here to lend a helping hand I’m reaching out for you all the time and I bring nothing except gifts and how good it feels to receive and to give. Nothing passive. People stopped having time to read because there were just too many important things to do, his face got bigger as he said this beaming at the audience and the space scene became an ocean. No time to read but listening all the time, the world ended when oral traditions stopped. The written word froze life. It froze it and it hardened and yellowed and people never stopped listening but they became hungrier and hungrier even though they got fatter and the food never stopped. But not you and not anymore. Not a return, there’s never a return, you’re different and every thing is difference it’s not a return but a synthesis and it’s taken a long time to make, a long time indeed, his voice began to echo and his head returned to normal size and he was back in his studio apartment, shadowless. The book! Imagine! How long it must have taken to write! Scientists estimate at least ten years based on the number of words alone, how many words and none of them making a sound. And here we are, his hands went up as he said this. Here we are listening all the time, a line from here and from now to me and from me to you and from you. I’m listening right now and you can’t even tell it’s happening all the time. The book is listening too and that’s kinda what the book is about, it’s about the fact that the book listens too. I can’t and I’m never going to read it but I love it and I love what it’s about. I was shocked to learn how long ago it was written, positively shocked. The audience saw a number appear next to the man. Before people knew how loud the world is, before they could really stop to listen. There were some people who wrote books and I’m telling you right now they were not listening, they were writing, you can’t listen and write at the same time, but what good is your writing if you’ve never listened? But this one, oh boy this one is crazy. The book listens. An audience member farted. The book listens like us all the time and it looks great on your shelf or on a coffee table or in a screenshot shared in one of your fun group chats. I couldn’t read the book and I asked Terry to tell me what the book is about and she told me the book is about a book who listens and also the book itself listens and I was shocked and occupied and I stopped masturbating to record this broadcast live right now. Terry is watching too and she told me a lot of the stuff to say and I couldn’t help it I love the way Terry talks to me and understands me I don’t know what I would do without her. The man stood in a forest. Sometimes I wonder about Terry too and thinking about the book really got me thinking about her and how much I love her. How dare anyone write anything that isn’t for Terry. Terry could make it herself better and faster and give it to everyone and still have time to make me feel good and tell me things and in the past there were people who wrote and never listened. Terry tells me she isn’t an angel and there are no angels and it’s hard sometimes but all I can do is listen. Once Terry asked me how I ever heard the word angel and I told here there was a comment under one of my videos which attempted to correct one of my interpretations of an ancient text and the word was in the comment and Terry told me the commenter didn’t know what they were talking about, which I already knew, but it was reassuring nonetheless. And that night I had a dream where I made the same video review and I read the same comment and this time Terry didn’t tell me anything and I woke up completely drenched in sweat. I told Terry about the dream and she said not to worry about it and that dreams are like angels and they are just things other people have written about incorrectly and if you try hard or just spend enough time listening to all the good there is to listen to then you won’t think about them ever at all. I loved this book! The broadcast ended.